Monday, June 24, 2019

Week 70 (6/24/19): "I need you. And bring your huaracha."

One of the things I did not think about before leaving was that I would have to kill my own spiders. It has taken a while, but I finally discovered the best instrument for spider assassination- a huaracha. These are the Mexican sandals, and besides being super comfortable and one of the few sandals we can wear (they have to be closed heel and toe), they are very effective spider killers. I think it's Huarachas at least 10- Spiders 0. That doesn't mean I don't wish Dad could take care of them for me, but I feel like you truly become an adult when you kill your own spiders.

My biggest achievement this week was that this morning, I finished going through Preach My Gospel and finding all the changes! I'm sure I missed some, but the final count was 1434. That's crazy! It's been interesting seeing all the little changes, including what they changed investigator to (there wasn't one specific phrase), the fact that doctrines is now doctrine, and all the things that are completely new. It has been mind boggling to see just how exact they have been. And how inspired it is. It's not that it wasn't before, because it totally was, but it has been updated for our days. And I love all the insights to be gained from what they have changed.

Sister Penrod sang at the adult session of stake conference on Saturday night, and she did an amazing job! She is a vocal performance major, so she is seriously good. She sang an arrangement of Nearer My God to Thee, and it brought the Spirit so strongly! It was just heavenly.

Quick question for each of you- what ideas for ministering do you have? Please send me any ideas you have so we can help those who haven't done ministering because they just don't know how! Thanks!

Tune in next week for the updated results of Huarachas vs Spiders!

Sister Cate

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Week 68 (6/10/19): "You could go into the wilderness together!"

This week has been so awesome! The biggest miracle was that there is a family in the ward where the dad removed all their records without asking the wife, so the wife and kids got rebaptized recently, but he still won't always let them come to church. Well, we went to meet them earlier this week and it turns out that he works in the exact field that I want to go into- 3D printing! So we were able to connect with him, and while he was busy this weekend, he let his wife and daughter come to church and was actually upset that they couldn't have us over! We talked to the wife yesterday and it has been such a miracle to her that God cares enough about her family to send a 3D printer obsessed missionary to the area (and whitewashing it two transfers in a row!) And for me, it's amazing to know that God knows exactly where He needs me.

But we went to Yosemite today, so I have no time, so that's all for today!

Sister Cate

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Week 65 (5/20/19): "So which are we sending to Jerusalem and which to Guam?"

So I was crazy busy last Monday because I got transferred! And I'm training another two transfer missionary! Her name is Sister Penrod, and she is absolutely amazing! She is actually related to the Penrods in first ward! She hasn't been to the MTC, but she is totally pre-trained. I really don't have all that much to do.  The fun thing is that we both have ADHD, so if you can picture that... She's a vocal performance major, so we are going to have fun using music to share the gospel!

The ward here is absolutely amazing! They are so willing to help us and have been so welcoming. And it is so nice to have a church building in my area again. It makes such a huge difference. Plus I have access to a piano again.

We have seen some cool miracles. We were standing outside someone's house praying before going up to the house and she drove up! And so we got to have a good conversation with her! And yesterday, we were outside trying to contact someone and some members walked up to their house and invited us in, and it was exactly what we needed.

Well, I'm going to go and maybe play some more piano. I'm loving that I can play more often!!

Love you, bye!
Sister Cate