That is the name of our plan to hasten the work here. It is
The Plan of Attack: The Sisters Strike Back. Sister Howard thought of the name.
This week was absolutely crazy! We did so much- we went to
Fresno last Monday to take care of a bunch of errands, we sang at a recovery hospital,
helped our ward mission leader get his trash out to the curb for the curbside
cleanup, had zone training, spent a whole day going to Fresno and Merced
(doctor visit and picking up a new prescription, which included 3 hours of
driving), went to the vineyard to box raisins for 4 hours in the afternoon (in
100+° weather) and narrowly avoided Sister Howard having a migraine, and then
did weekly planning on Sunday because we hadn't had time on Friday or Saturday.
It was an exhausting week. But we both made it through mostly intact.
Other than that, not all that much happened. Lots of little
tender mercies, like going to Taco Bell in Merced and finding out a member was
the manager and we got a free meal. We made a plan to hasten the work here, and
we are excited to put it into play. Cool thought from Jamie Hansen, the man in
charge of the vineyard- apparently 95% of the earth's surface is made of
silicate, which is what glass is made of. So in a very real sense, the Earth
can be turned into glass with a lot of heat, which the scriptures refer to. It
was cool to see how the scriptures will be fulfilled when it says the earth
will be a sea of glass and will become a Urim and Thummim.
Love you bye!
Sister Cate
Pictures from off the mission blog:

Pictures from off the mission blog:
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